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Bring Us Peace

Slow & moving peace chant.

Shepherd Me To Your Pastures Green

Solemn, moving shortie, a yearning for comfort in times of need.

It’s When You Hear Me

A beautiful song from the heart, a musical meditation.

Never Take Away My Voice

Helen’s song of hope inspired by the coronavirus crisis of 2020.

Glory Glory

An easy and lively song in the classic blues style, layering up part-by-part.

Until We Meet Each Other Again

Lovely light, jazzy song, the perfect farewell song.

Hold You In Love

Heart-felt chant for those we love, a lovely ’slowie’.


Helen’s lovely multi-layered chant inspired by Amadou & Mariam’s song of the same name.

Stronger Chorus

Beautiful ‘shortie’ taken from Helen’s bigger anthem, Stronger. Emotive calling for the power of love to triumph.