Seasonal & Christmas songs

Although the leaves are still falling from the trees, choirs are already planning their festive celebrations. If you’re interested in Helen’s seasonal songs, visit the Scores Page. These songs are also listed in the two categories of Christmas and Seasonal Songs. Helen’s song ‘Sun Chant’, part of her ‘Sun Cycle’ of seasonal songs, is a celebration of summer and can be heard by clicking the audio player at the right hand side of this page. If you’re interested in learning about writing music for choirs, see the section about Helen’s masterclass tutorial further down this page


Helen wrote ‘Return’ several years ago and it fast became a favourite with Glorious Chorus and other choirs around the country. A song about autumn, Return is a beautiful celebration of the natural cycle of the seasons, and how everything returns back to source before coming to life again in the spring. This superb rendition is by The Great Sea Choir led by Helen Brignall. The score is available on the Scores Page.

Singing with Helen this year

You can sing with Helen at her London Big Sings once a term and various day workshops and weekend retreats around the country. Helen also runs her Greek singing holiday on the island of Paros every May/June, and the 2025 dates & prices are now available to see on the Camps/Holidays page. This July Helen will be teaching at Earthsong Camp in Ireland for the first time. This and all her events are listed on the Upcoming Events listings at the right of this page

Helen’s workshop tour of the States 2024

In September Helen visited the United States to do a mini workshop tour of the east coast, responding to the many choir leaders who had bought her music over the years. This tour encompassed Asheville NC, the Love Song gathering in NC, Brattleboro VT & Annapolis, ML. She had a fabulous time! You can see more details on the Links Page.

Helen teaching at the Love Song Gathering, North Carolina

Helen’s masterclass tutorial video is here!

If you’ve always wanted to write a song for your choir but didn’t know where to start, this tutorial video series is for you. Award-winning songwriter Helen Yeomans has created a masterclass tutorial which is the culmination of 20 years of writing for choirs. Helen’s music is sung all around the world and this tutorial is designed to demystify the art of choral songwriting and help new writers come forward. From the initial idea to the final recording and score, Helen takes you through all the steps to bring your musical creativity to fruition.

“I watched it all in two sittings! I loved it & found it all so inspiring”  Lynfa Sioufi, UK

 “Very professionally done”  Sandi E, One Heart, USA

 “Very clear, easy to follow and inspiring”  Mari Nieves de Miguel, Spain

“It was as if you were just chatting to me, generously sharing your long experience. Invaluable”  Margaret Hunt

To purchase and access the tutorial, visit the Masterclass Tutorial Page

Never Take Away My Voice

Watch Helen’s song ‘Never Take Away My Voice’ here – a song of hope written in the summer of 2020 about the cost of the coronavirus crisis. The images were put to music by Helen’s daughter, Miki. The song is available to buy on the Scores Page.

One World – choral theatre for our time

Line Up! from the One World show at Conway Hall, London in 2019.

After the success of One World London, Helen had hoped to bring the show to the SouthWest. Unfortunately the scheduled time to perform this clashed with the pandemic and the project had to be cancelled.

Here are links to the One World Page and previous performances.

“One of the most moving musical events I have ever experienced” Anne Ridgely, Amnesty International

“A stand-out event in a stand-out year for City of Culture!” Phil White, BBC Radio Humberside

Helen’s favourite songs now available for Download

All of Helen’s best-loved choir songs are now available to download on the CD and Downloads Page. So just choose your favourite tunes and download in seconds, for just 79p each! There is a sample of every song to listen to. Her albums are all downloadable as well. Click here to go straight to the page.


If you’d like to keep up-to-date with Helen’s workshops, events, concerts & holidays, subscribe to her newsletter, see the right hand top section of this page.

101 Ways to sing We Got All The Love…

Here are some of the beautiful ways in which one of Helen’s best-loved songs has been sung over the years. The song lends itself to infinite interpretation, making it super-flexible…! If you have a video of your group singing this uplifting song, contact Helen and we’ll add yours to the list!

Use the arrows to scroll through videos of all the versions so far. Remember to mute the home page Audio Player (right) before playing these videos.